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Smoke Detectors & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

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Smoke Detectors and Batteries

New building codes for new construction require smoke detectors (by WAC 51-51-0314) to be interconnected with a battery backup. This ensures that all the alarms will sound when activated. 

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How many smoke detectors should I have in my home? Where should they be located?

Smoke alarms should be in every sleeping area, and outside the sleeping areas as well. If you have a multiple story house, there should be a smoke alarm on each floor. 

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Do I need to have a carbon monoxide detector in my home?

If your home has propane or natural gas, you should have a carbon monoxide detector.

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What should I do to take care of the smoke detectors in my home?

  • Test your smoke detectors monthly.

  • If your smoke detectors are powered by a 9-volt battery, replace the battery once a year to ensure that they're working appropriately.

  • Replace the entire smoke detector unit every 10 years.

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Will North Whidbey Fire and Rescue install smoke detectors in my home?

Yes, North Whidbey Fire and Rescue has partnered with the American Red Cross to install smoke detectors free of cost to our community. If you're wanting to request to have smoke detectors replaced or even installed, please visit North Whidbey Community Connect to submit a formal request for installation.

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